Sunday, August 15, 2010


Blog help desired please?

Using template (stupid template) / background overpowers words.


Can I make blog area more opaque so the background doesn't bleed thru?
To post or not to post?

Let go a Live Journal account with a black title and a darker feeling

eel slide/ tentacle glide/  it's another
another symptom.

a perigrine falcon and the
leaf blower from hell

this american machine

("Quintessential, Dude!")

Makes beaucoup noise.
emitting carbon dioxide.
Moving a problem from one place to another? 

Solve it.
glimpse the riddle.
confound the sphinx...

pi and all that

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rays of Light

Had some bright spots this week, and they all revolve around children.

Wonderful conversation with a 3 year old and an 8 1/2 year old  ("I've been 8 too long!")
Nail polish, goggles and how long one can hold their breath underwater...

T'ai chi in abandoned paint yard.  Path beside LA river runs up behind fence and vines.
Hear children and upon turning there's maybe thirty kids on bikes looking down.
So I wave.
They all start laffing and ringing their bells...beautiful music!  Smile.

Little girls in poofy tutus going for frozen yogurt. I am so not girly, but I really want a tutu!

Three year old regards me seriously (as only a three year old can) and states, "I want to be older."
"How old?" I ask.